Monday 19 September 2011

Zombies in Games

Zombie games have been around on video games for a long time. My earliest memory was with a game called Splatter House Alothough not a full zombie game it had you play as a zombie like character throughout.

The proper memories i have of video game zombies would have to be the ' Resident Evil' games. These have been around since 1996 when showing the first title to the playstation. These games gave me nightmares for days whilst playing when i was younger. i still however would consider them a huge part of what zombies are to us in todays age.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Opinion: Zombies would take over the world

This was an opinion given o me by my nerdy friend mini. He lives and breathes zombie films and horror novels. For years he's told us all how he thinks the world will be finished by a Zombie outbreak. Although quite funny to listen to he does have a lot of information to back up his claims which makes listening really fun.

The problem i had when thinking about choosing this was the primary research as it wouldn't exact ally be easy to see or find anything in real life about this but i have decided to look into it anyway as it really is good.

I have liked horror games for a long time and i have always thought about this opinion subject. I wouldn't know where to start with the research so i looked back to my answers i got from my yahoo questionnaire and it appears a lot of people have the same imagination as my own.

What are Zombies?

"Zombie is a term used to denote an animated corpse brought back to life by mystical means such as witchcraft. The term is often figuratively applied to describe a hypnotized person bereft of consciousness and self-awareness, yet ambulant and able to respond to surrounding stimuli. Since the late 19th century, zombies have acquired notable popularity, especially in North American and European folklore.
In modern times, zombies became a popular subject in horror fiction, largely because of the success ofGeorge A. Romero's 1968 film Night of the Living Dead and they have appeared as plot devices in various books, films and in television shows. Zombie fiction is now a sizeable sub-genre of horror, usually describing a breakdown of civilization occurring when most of the population become flesh-eating zombies – a zombie apocalypse. The monsters are usually hungry for human flesh, often specifically brains. Sometimes they are victims of a fictional pandemic illness causing the dead to reanimate or the living to behave this way, but often no cause is given in the story."

A zombie is pretty much the same in both novels and films, however they seem to vary to the above description when looking at newer examples of films. A film in the 80's would show a zombie walking very slowly with its arms stretched out as far as possible demanding brains. As of now zombies tend to be a lot quicker and more realistic. However, i wouldn't ever suggest they could run like 28 days later shows.

Friday 16 September 2011

Car Shows

There are loads of car shows still running attending every single one is quite hard to do when you have other commitments like work or uni but its good to try attend as many of them as you can to increase your chances of being seen by magazines or photographers. 

  • PTM Show
  • Modified Nationals
  • Cruise for Heroes
  • Ultimate Street Car
This is just a small selection of the shows in a year there will be around 50 shows to attend. 

Activity: Modifying Cars

I have modified cars since i was younger with my dad starting from changing wheels to replacing air filters. As soon as i was old enough to drive i took on the role of changing almost every part of my first car. This had its ups and its downs but after a lot of errors i finally got it all right and managed to win shows and feature in magazines.

The whole activity has become a part of my life now and a lot of my friends have come from having this as an activity in my life which is good. 

It tends to take over your time quite a lot and has you spending loads of money. The best part of the modifying is that you spend a lot of time with people who care about the same thing as you do.

The car scene has died down in the recent years probably due to the way the economy is at the moment means that people rant deciding to try get into the scene as it just costs too much to start.

With this activity comes a lot of negativity. People think we are wasting money and that we don't care about the fact that the car is just a car. This isn't the point as its just about putting your own touch on something you find special. I suppose with everything that is good there will be people who disagree. 

Ice Cream Design

This was something which made me smile as soon as i saw it. Making the place which sells ice cream melt like the ice cream itself. creating something like this is really inspiring as I've always been into this type of art. 

I came across this when i was researching the ice cream flavours and this came up on the images and i was instantly drawn to it. I think everything like this is brilliant the way it incorporates an energy saving light bulb which resembles that of a whippy ice cream

Thursday 15 September 2011

Object: Ice Cream

Why is Ice Cream good?
to me ice cream has been something I've loved since i was little. Trying almost all the flavours you could imagine i would go as far as saying I'm an expert on ice cream, to me i enjoy how cold it is and the way the flavours can be mixed and as exotic or mundane as you please. Perhaps the reason i like it so much is that is reminds me of when i was younger and things were easier.

What do i like most about ice cream?
when i was younger i was a right fatty, and this was easily my fav comfort food. i just liked shovelling it down made me feel happy. Knowing this though it probably did add to why i got even fatter haha, so perhaps this sing as good as I'm thinking it is.

Some facts about Ice Cream:

  • Ice Cream is a frozen dessert, usually make from dairy products.
  • Ice Cream is usually mixed with other ingredients like fruit or flavours
  • Ice Cream is a semi-solid
  • Ice Cream has other names such as " frozen custard", "frozen yogurt", "sorbet" each being used to describe a different variation of the ice cream.
I have decided to choose one of each of these listed items and find more information out about them. I choose:
  • Object: ‘Ice Cream’
  • Activity: ‘Modifying Cars’
  • Opinions: “Zombies would take over the world”
  • Concepts: ‘Happiness’

I decided to come to research peoples views on this by the use of Yahoo Questions. This medium was new to me as i have never used the Q&A of yahoo before but This allowed me to access many peoples opinions and views from around the world whilst staying online. Traveling around and trouble over the summer meant speaking to people in person was difficult. 
Ice Cream question link:

Modifying Cars question link:

Zombies Question:
Happiness Question:

Taking these into account i can start to build up a good source of details about why others think these are good which will help me along the way. However the research i could gather about the subjects would be were i would learn the most and be able to gather valuable knowledge.