Thursday 15 September 2011

Object: Ice Cream

Why is Ice Cream good?
to me ice cream has been something I've loved since i was little. Trying almost all the flavours you could imagine i would go as far as saying I'm an expert on ice cream, to me i enjoy how cold it is and the way the flavours can be mixed and as exotic or mundane as you please. Perhaps the reason i like it so much is that is reminds me of when i was younger and things were easier.

What do i like most about ice cream?
when i was younger i was a right fatty, and this was easily my fav comfort food. i just liked shovelling it down made me feel happy. Knowing this though it probably did add to why i got even fatter haha, so perhaps this sing as good as I'm thinking it is.

Some facts about Ice Cream:

  • Ice Cream is a frozen dessert, usually make from dairy products.
  • Ice Cream is usually mixed with other ingredients like fruit or flavours
  • Ice Cream is a semi-solid
  • Ice Cream has other names such as " frozen custard", "frozen yogurt", "sorbet" each being used to describe a different variation of the ice cream.

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