Friday 16 September 2011

Activity: Modifying Cars

I have modified cars since i was younger with my dad starting from changing wheels to replacing air filters. As soon as i was old enough to drive i took on the role of changing almost every part of my first car. This had its ups and its downs but after a lot of errors i finally got it all right and managed to win shows and feature in magazines.

The whole activity has become a part of my life now and a lot of my friends have come from having this as an activity in my life which is good. 

It tends to take over your time quite a lot and has you spending loads of money. The best part of the modifying is that you spend a lot of time with people who care about the same thing as you do.

The car scene has died down in the recent years probably due to the way the economy is at the moment means that people rant deciding to try get into the scene as it just costs too much to start.

With this activity comes a lot of negativity. People think we are wasting money and that we don't care about the fact that the car is just a car. This isn't the point as its just about putting your own touch on something you find special. I suppose with everything that is good there will be people who disagree. 

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