Thursday 15 September 2011

What is good?

To me good has often been the word id use when something isnt brilliant or perfect but just average. Perhaps its to put a cap on the way i see things instead of using a word such as ok or average i would use the word good to make it seem better than it probably is. An example of this would be to say my time management is good, it isnt brilliant nor is it close to perfect but it was never bad. Being asked to research about what is good i had to first breakdown what good meant to me... Luckily it appears my understanding of the word is quite similar to that of the dictionary: ‘To be desired or approved of.’
Looking at the definition i have thought about what i desire and put that into what the brief question was asking; 1 object, 1 activity, 1 opinion and 1 concept.
There are so many objects i would consider ‘good’ so i have chosen 20 i could class as my most desired: Cars, Watches, TV, Sofa, Stars, Money, Gameboy, Mega Drive, iPhone, Movies, Energy Drink, Mac, Pencils, Supplements, Testosterone, Weights, Love, Music, Ice Cream, Pokemon.
As above i will do the same for activities; Online Gaming, Star gazing, Rock Climbing, Snow Boarding, Drinking Games, Driving, Modifying cars , Hacking, Filming, Blogging, Shopping, Chatting, Gym, Swimming, Weight Lifting, Collecting, Designing, Drawing, Time with Friends, Fixing things.
The twenty opinions i consider good are; Water is awful, Winter is better than Summer, Steroids are cheating, Mac is better than Windows, The bible is wrong, Xbox is better than PS3, comic sans is rubbish, girls are better than boys, dinosaurs didn't exist, life is worth living, enjoy everyday like it was your last, cars are better than public transport, the government rip us off, we are not alone in the universe, zombies would take over the world
Finalizing with twenty concepts; Eating, Dreaming, Speaking, Betrayal, Charity, Courage, Cowardice, Love, Fear, Happiness, Wisdom, Friendship, Fame, Sympathy, Insanity, Knowledge, Justice, Right/Wrong, Social Normality, 

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